Kini tiba masanya
Hati gembira di Hari Raya.
Bertemu sanak dan saudara
Bermaaf-maafan dengan keikhlasan
Selamat Hari Raya - Maaf Zahir dan Batin from AsH and Iain to :
Abu Kassim, Cat-in-Sydney, Din, Elviza, Ena, Hazalee, Helas, Jailani, Kama and Pak Abu, KakEzza, Kak Teh and Hulaimi, Lely, Ma'Andeh, Mamasita and SakmongolAK47, mekyam, Ms.B, Ms.Chaya, Naz, Pokku, Pootz in Boots, Raden Rohaya, Ruqxana, sapuan sidek, sicKo^, tireless mom and to all my other blogging mates whose names I may have inadvertently missed and the invisible others.
Also to my beloved family. This is beginning to sound like an Oscar Award Ceremony!
For Nah and 'Bang Long, Mus and Normah. To the 2nd generation (useless lot) of Sham, Mahzan and Sabrina, Maria and Nadzim, Hidayah and Faiz, Shah and Dila, Mariam and Hana. As for the 3rd generation, too many to name. Anyway your names are scattered all over my blog.
And here comes the Star!
I love this photograph not because of the excruciatingly gormless kid in the photo but for the love of Abah who constructed these Hari Raya Stars for his children.
And lastly, a special card to all the men in our life.
Terdengar suara Takbir
Muji nama Ilahi,
Rasa dalam kalbu
Tenteram dan aman selalu.
Boleh dapat ang pow ?
OMG! You still have those absolutely beautiful cards? I am overcome by feelings of nostalgia just by looking at them! They can never beat the 'modern' ones that we have aplenty today.
You know, when these cards were circulating you and all your guests (except for meself, Pokku and Iain) on that marvellous evening sponsored by you and better half were just twinkles in your Daddies' eyes. Note that it's Shawal (old spelling) 13...!
And ph,
Ang Pow must wait for CNY and you still haven't got a hope of getting any. Dream on babe....!
Ms Hamid, these are priceless. I;d love to rummage your cavern one day! Selamat hari raya to you and Iain! Maaf zahir dan batin.
Thank you, your cards bring back long lost memories 'of spleandour in the grass,of glory in the flower'.
Selamat Hari Raya to you and Iain from both of us. Hope we will meet again, didn't have much time to talk to you at the Lake Club that night.
Salam Aidil Fitri dari Norway!
OH! I love this entry so much! It's lovely. Where else could we see cards like these these days and that picture of that certain little girl taken by her daddy...what can I say...orang dulu dulu laaaaaaggiiii creative, kan?!
Errrr...the last card tu ada copyright tak? :D
Ms B??? apa ini?
Selamat Hari Raya Adil Filtri,
Puan Sri dan Tan Sri Joan & Darby,
Only manage to find time to check the internet tonight. Was off on Friday, trying to finalise with the interior designer.. alas, it will be considered very good if renovations can start before Hari Raya ends! :) :) What's another few mths after taking 5 years to pack a 700sq ft flat? :) :) :)
I love the little shining star photo. Plse don't let PH makan habis all your kueh kueh. I am told she's ravenous after all the puasa she has to do.
SeLaMat hari Raya....
i remember these cards!
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