It was 8 years after the Second World War. The young Elizabeth had just been crowned Queen of her homeland and of the Empire. The Communist Insurgency was at its height. I still remember those times when we were travelling by car to visit relatives in Kuala Lumpur. We could not bring too much food with us and we were constantly stopped at Police checkpoints. I also recall seeing soldiers (Malay and British) patrolling the hills and roadside in Johore.
And this is how they described and categorised us!!!

It's clear to them the Malays have the life of Larry and so if they are not as rich as the Chinese they only have themselves to blame. This reminds me of the bumiputra British bleating about the unfair competition from the immigrant Indians who keep their shops open for longer hours, for 7 days of the week, thus knocking them out of business.
But the Malays do have one talent as Kim Tong (according to the missionaries) discovered.

But look who's here? It's a white missionary nurse with her Chinese helper.

During the 1950s, after the Communist Revolution of 1949, the missionaries were kicked out of China. To fulfil their mission they recamped in Singapore and Malaya - with the blessings of the British Colonial Government - to 'assist' in building up medical facilities and education in their SE Asian colonies.
Wong and Hong in 1971 wrote , "Religion was the motivational spirit behind the various Christian missionary bodies in their endeavours to open and maintain schools in Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak and Sabah".
Although their contacts were mainly with Chinese Buddhists and Indian Hindus they did manage to sneak into Malay space.

Anyway in Marion Saynor's book this is what a Chinese lady, Mrs Ming looked like.
And here is our Mrs Romlee.
It's amazing how such a simple and simplistic book can elucidate the workings and tactics of the soul-snatchers then.
Today it has become more corporatised and hi-tech. The Malaysia for Jesus website has this to announce. They now have an "evangelistic playlist ..... distributed to over 2,000 Muslim Malay students. About fifty additional young people receive it daily. There are gospel recordings and powerful testimonies from converted Muslims. Portions of the Malay Bible are available".
My niece at Universiti Malaya was duped into one of these gatherings.
First the books, then the web, what next?