Dear Sarah Hana and Anis,
I had planned to write about tit-for-tat, but when I found this note on my desk, tucked under all my other papers - I just had to post this.
Anis Nazihah binti Muhammat Nadzim
01-246302 400
4 years old, going on 5
postcode: 6800
Malay person
loose clothing
brought her coupon
doesn't understand English
untidy hair
not wearing shoes
feels like she is a poor person
This is a 'report' by Sarah Hana (7-8) on her half-pint sister Anis. Sarah Hana, being in the middle of 2 sisters and two brothers, does not get much of a chance to throw her weight around and this 'documentation' on Anis is an indication that she can take charge.
The last three items of her 'report' had me in stitches. She is placing herself in the shoes of a teacher who is evaluating a new pupil. I wonder how she personally feels, or what she imagines a teacher would think about a 'poor person'? Is it the inability to understand English, the messy hair and the absence of shoes that mark out someone to be poor in the eyes of an eight year old? Or does Sarah Hana thinks these are the features that a teacher looks for to put children into a slot?
Sarah Hana , you really make your tok ngah wonder. Also I hope you're not too angry with me because I 'publicised' your little report. But you're (and Anis) such lovable gems and I just couldn't resist doing this. Perhaps one day you will be able to appreciate, from this posting, what a bright little button you are.
No matter what, Sarah Hana and Anis do adore each other.

Sarah Hana in green and Anis in blue.
this is truly adorable! a charming slice of life that gladdens the heart.
p.s. AsH, i feel like a shameless eavesdropper on a family sharing, but i refuse to let guilt spoil my enjoyment of this post. :D
Dear mekyam,
Thank you for the sweet comment. Children are so delightful to write about - their antics are enough to soothe the savage beast.
AND please, you can look in any time you want - the 2 little girls won't mind, except they will just be a bit shy.
Salam AsH,
My daughter , now 15 wrote many, many of such notes as a little girl about Hana's age. When she is upset (with me), sad (again with me) or just being silly.
I kept all of those notes through the years and once in a while I would go through them smiling, reminiscing of once the little girl who is now a young lady.
And I think, yes we should keep those notes (and share them!) hehe...
Mak Andeh.
waa it remind me of my Primary school.. haha.. always write down students name who was Noisiest inside the class.. hahaha... but majority i wite down all Girl name.. hahaha... well i'm "Ketua Kelas" that time. hehe..
after that sure all name written Kena Rotan Paaaannnnnjaaannnng :D
To sarah hana and Hanis, never mind, mak teh has done worse to her nieces and nephews - nothing compared to what your tok ngah has done. this is sweet!
Little Anis is the carom champion. She beat all of us the last time we played.
Remember kes "surat layang" that literally melayang from the top of the staircase into Maria's living room?? kihkihkih...
Just imagine if Emir's generation nanti choose to voice out their "grievances" through Facebook/blogs etc... abih la saya..
Salam Mak Andeh,
You lucky mum. All those epistles from your little girl you must keep. I think they're just as good or better than photographs.
By the way, with Ramadan coming, I doubt if we can keep our date at Shah Jahan, but there will be opportunities from Syawal onwards.
Hello Helas,
It used to be my ploy to make the naughtiest boy/girl the class monitor. It does work although in your case it was useless - you're just as 'naughty' as ever. And are you still writing down the names of girls??
Kak Teh,
Just what have you done to your nieces and nephews?
Whenever Sarah Hana's and Anis's mother Maria turned up at our doorstep in Leicester; she would normally be greeted with 'When are you going home?' by her evil uncle. But there's no stopping a hungry student and niece. She still has the same bad habit.
i think even that attempt Failed on me.. but, i learn of things actually.. everyday come early to school, go take "Cikgu" Bag, go send exercise books... but only sometimes when my evil come.. hehe... what can i do... i'm just a kid..
ya still writing girl name.. but not on a paper.. but inside my heart .. name only.. coz it is soooo small to write many names.. haha..
Dear Mak Ngah!
I really could not stop laughing! This is another one of her judgmental notes - got it from her "teachery" elder sister! Hai Sarah... Sarah....!
Hi Mak Ngah,
Sarah inherited your blog blood - this is her first.
Next I'll ask her to write something about her Tok Ngah & Tok Kacang - mesti sakit perut ....
Dear Mummy emir, mama-in-tears and Azan,
You three have been and still are a bunch of problems. Now, with your 9 1/2 offsprings my life is as crazy as ever - plus a lot of joy!!
Keep up the good work ... but uummm, what am I saying???
Didn't know you're such a romantic. Only one girl? But you're only 23 going on 13.
you're useless. Even half-pint Anis can beat you at carrom. What about other games?
hahaha am i??? but.. all the girl didnt realize it.. huhu~~... still searching for the First "LUB" hahaha..
Maybe al;l the girl think i'm only 13 years old.. hahah.. nevermind...
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