This great struggle for the True Malaysians started with the rallying cry for a "Malaysian Malaysia" concocted by Singapore's PAP when it was in Malaysia. Now that cause has been passed on to Malaysia's DAP ( blood brother of Singapore's PAP ) - albeit differently attired like in The Emperor's New Clothes.
Then came the next clarion call, spouted by the non-Malays - they shouted the slogan "meritocracy" as an attack against the NEP. Of course it sounded so reasonable and justifiable - but in the context of the Malay Peninsula and her history, it's just another 'hurrah' word used for bolstering and protecting the interests and agenda of the wealthy and powerful and the status quo inherited from the British.
The visit by the US President added grist to the mill of those 'liberals' and their equal opportunities campaign. It's a very attractive bandwagon to jump onto - plus you can be assured of receiving blessings from the human rights deities in the West. If you shout loud enough you could even receive an award from the mother-of human rights- and- self righteousness, the US.
Now Malaysia is getting another rap on the knuckles, to get her to liberalize her wayward ways by putting an end to inserting 'Race' in all types of forms. These crusaders of' 'human rights' in the Peninsula opine that this would end 'discrimination' or 'ostracism'. In fact they are actually referring to - if they're open and honest - their perceived view of themselves as "victims"at the hands of the Malays. If that's the case and seemingly a dire one at that - most certainly, people like the Rohingyas and the "First People " of the US would prefer this Malaysian-style discrimination and ostracism.
Balan Moses ( The Metro, 9 May 2014) wrote "As long as red blood courses through our veins, and we are made of flesh and blood, we will all be the same." Well, "tell that to the Marines" and the Gazans, Palestinians, Iraqis, Afghanis, the Adivasis ( the Indian Tribal people), the lower castes of India, the native Indians of South America, the aborigines in Taiwan and Australia.
"The British", said my late Abah, "will cut the ground from under your feet and make you thank them for it." Other than profiteering from the resources of the Malay Peninsula, they stimulated the flood of immigrants who are like 'chalk' to the 'cheese' in the Malay Peninsula so as to facilitate and the economic 'development' (exploitation) of the Malay Peninsula.
Here is how they fear the arrival of foreigners to UK today. This Home Office Go-Home Van was later removed but people certainly got the message.
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Here are a couple of pertinent or impertinent - (depending on the ahem 'Race'of the reader) - observations written in 1947 by E.H.G. Dobby, B.A., Ph.D, Head of the Geography Department, Raffles College, Singapore.
Let's look at why they came ..........
From Philip N. Nazareth : The Story of Malaya and Her Neighbours, 1961 |
......... and what they wanted, for example, to preserve and protect their culture via education in Chinese. Such a policy was articulated a long time ago.
So, the formulators of 'Malaya" had either no idea or no interest in safeguarding "The Malay Protectorates" and the Malay Rakyat.
I'm certain the liberals in the West, especially in Britain, will support to the hilt the demands of those who want to eliminate the word 'race' in our paperwork - giving succour to those who have been weaned on the milk of so-called British "liberalism and human rights". Yet the motherland of liberalism could not discard the use of 'race' in their analysis of their country's future. It signifies their prejudice, but especially their fear. Now the gander ( Britain) has to lump the same sauce as the goose ( The Malay Peninsula). At last, the chickens are coming home to roost.
According to Malaysia's human rights warriors, the deletion of 'race' will make us all equal. Certainly that will make some people invisible - cloaking the elites, the rich and powerful from the scrutiny of the lesser and poorer beings.
Perhaps our crusaders were looking at a Golden Age of job opportunities prior to the May 13 Race Riots.
Take this extract from the The Annual Report of 1962 (Malay Mail) on Education.
.Perhaps our crusaders were looking at a Golden Age of job opportunities prior to the May 13 Race Riots.
Take this extract from the The Annual Report of 1962 (Malay Mail) on Education.
The Report on the University of Malaya tells a similar story.
That, I reckon, is what our crusaders want it to be - a return to a sort of Camelot for "racial/equal" opportunities. Since then, a lot of water has gone under the bridge. After the Race Riots of 13 May 1969, steps were taken to ameliorate this imbalance in the education and employment opportunities of the Malays in the Malay Peninsula.
Finally I anticipate with trepidation another salvo of demands. Who knows, in their pilgrimage for "equal opportunities" they might desire (with the help of their overseas friends and mentors) to create a more 'inclusive' nation by re-naming the country - just like the British when they coined the country 'Malaya" in exchange for the FMS, UFMS and the Straits Settlements.
Why not rename Semenanjung Tanah Melayu as MALCHINDIA, so they say. Sabah shall remain Sabah and the same for Sarawak.
Hmmmh - as for Malaysia - a name like BUMICHINDIA sounds more egalitarian. There's no reference to Malays because they are already included in the word BUMI. So there's no reason for them to grumble. That makes us all the same - and that is why the Muslim word "Allah" should be 'shared' as well!!
However some Bumiputeras and most Malays may feel a tad uncomfortable because BUMICHINDIA also means the Land of the Chinese and the Indians.
Oh hell! I think we need to tap the brains of the whizkids in the media and communication industry - to get them to look into their box-of-tricks - to give us a makeover - to invent a name that sounds cosy and shallow. After all they specialize in calling a spade a trowel and casting a trowel as the spade.
As an afterthought, if people are so keen to discard 'race' because it fosters disunity, shouldn't they go the whole hog and discard Chinese and Tamil schools and have a united education policy?
PS I missed a few lines in Paragraph 11 - which have now been corrected.
Wow! Good one. I want to share this article with your permission on fb.
Excellent piece!
Go ahead fazillah.
And thank you.
Thank you Hamizan. Glad you liked it.
Looking forward to the day when our racial and religious differences matters little.
West Malaysia is known as 'Peninsular Malaysia' or 'Semenanjung Malaysia' in the Malay language.
Wow! I agree, this is an excellent write-up!
Spot on and loving it.
Tapi yang amat-amat menyedihkan adalah tiadanya ayat-ayat sebegini yang keluar dari mulut kesultanan melayu, mahupun dari Pertubuhan Melayu Kebangsaan Melayu Bersatu.
How do you expect the bangsa to rise if the party president and the Sultan doesn't seemed to be fighting for the Malays but busy accumulating their wealth?
I'd really appreciate if you can write an open letter to them.
The Malays are fractionated as we don't see any true leader that is worth following. Pemimpin itu mestilah moderate but firm, soft but sharp, humble yet command respect. Perhaps you can help to advertise for one...
Frustrated But Pragmatic Malay.
How I wish more good article like this could be shared among all Malaysians.The NSTP should be nationalistic enough to adopt this article.It's well written and very meaningful.
Puan Cikgu,baliklah ke Malaysia.We need writers like Puan.
I do hope Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud can digest this article and perhaps leave an intelligent comment.
Felt pity that such a bright young Malay being starved of the fight that she should be fighting for, being in the wrong arena.
And let's not succumb to the gutter politics of our local politicians (and their hooliganistic football fans) but respect and honour an individual beliefs and passion. Right or wrong it is a matter of time and the standards being used.
Leicester United Fan.
Dear May20 7.58pm.
My apologies for this belated reply.
Thank you for the bouquet and I'm pleased that you enjoyed the posting.
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