Sunday 7 December 2014

Al Fatihah - Hjh Alimah binti Awang

Early this morning, Macik Alimah, mother of our dear friend Jailani, left those who loved her to meet her Maker.  Jai prayed and watched over her as she faded away peacefully from the darkness of the night into the cool early morning.

A brave and plucky lady, she avoided the usual treatment for the breast cancer because she had seen how it could ravage the remains of her day.  As she said, at her age she left it all in the hands of Allah.  She did receive various types of non-invasive treatments and towards her last few days they topped up her dosage of morphine.  But as we and Jai noticed, up to just a few months ago, she was still mentally alert and active, and she had a good appetite.  She would, each day instruct the helper - that Jai got for her - on what to cook and what to buy at the market.

I have such great respect for this remarkable lady, this lady who came from a line of  the  (unacknowledged)  First People of Singapura.  I have done several postings on Macik ..


Just two days ago, we were discussing with Aisha and Man if they could cat-sit and house-sit for us as we wanted to visit Jai and Arwah in Singapore this coming week.  But it was not to be.

But we will never forget her in our doa.  Her indomitable spirit  will always be an inspiration for these two septuagenarians.

The last time we met her in July, I wrote this towards the end of my posting .....

..... 'And when Macik reaches out her hands to hold mine and she says " saya kenal suara Cikgu", then my cup runneth over.'   She has that effect on many of her son's friends, but especially for us.

Good-night sweet lady and may Angels accompany you on your journey.


  1. innalillaahi wa'inna ilaihiroji'un
    salam takziah utk keluarga allahyarham
    semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat
    alfatihah ...

  2. To Anon 7 December 08.10,

    Thank you and Bless you.

  3. Salam AsH,

    My salam takziah to the family, moga Allah SWT merahmati ruh arwah dialam sana, amin!

    Dhahran Sea

  4. Alfatehah.

    I've met Jai only briefly at his home in Singpaore. A wonderful man. A wonderful son. Through stories you told us, I have also come to know his mom even though we've never met. Allah bless her soul.

    And Ms Hamid, welcome home, belatedly. If you aren't still mad at me, I'd love to come and see my beloved teacher ... :-))


  5. Dear Dhahran Sea,

    Our utmost thanks for your blessings - from us and Jailani and family.

    Take care.

  6. Dear Din,

    Thank you for the kind thoughts and I'm certain Jailani would convey the same regard.

    Now I know why there was no red carpet awaiting us at KLIA on 16 November.

    Me mad at you? I only get mad on some of my postings - after all I'm a card-carrying member of the Lunatic Fringe.

    Anyway how about Ikan Tiga Rasa and tempoyak for the Dopey Duo- it's time you 'belanja' us.

  7. Al-fatihah.

    My deepest condolence to Jai and his family.
    Within hours of Arwah's passing, my mother-in-law passed away of heart attack. She was about 90.


  8. Thank you Mus,

    Al Fatihah

    Salam takziah to your family.

    Two old ladies have called it a day!
