Wednesday 31 October 2012

The Bicycle's Delayed Arrival

It has been a long while since the last bicycle ride but the interval has been well spent.

I had dearly wished - during this stay in KL - to visit Lely and Macik Alimah  (Jai's mother) in Singapore.

We usually travel to Singapore on the Aeroline Bus from KL, across the Second Link to the Singapore Harbour Front - a journey which takes about 5 hours.  But this time, a spouse with an unviable back made such a journey impossible.  Then last week, my former student Din (aka Rockybru) came to the rescue and kindly provided me a door to door 'delivery' by car  from KL to Singapore and back.

Thank you Din for your 'korban' for your old teacher.

I spent all of Tuesday with Lely and kept her company while she was doing her 2 1/2 hours intensive therapy at St Luke's Hospital.  She will undergo another operation in February to remove the residual clot.  She has all our prayers but I know from watching her determined and relentless effort to get better, she will be just as positive and courageous when the time comes.  In the evening we had a get-together for mee rebus at Macik Alimah's flat at Boon Lay.

And thank you Jai, for ferrying us from Dover Road to Boon Lay and Jelapang Road.

After I got home on the Thursday, I had a chat about the Singapore trip with my neighbour Zarinah.  Then her youngest son,  little six-year-old Haiqal came up to me and asked, with a censorious fire in his voice, (quoted verbatim)  "Why did you leave Uncle alone at home?  That is impossible!"  (He meant 'unacceptable'.)

Haiqal and his big brother  Daniel.
As for their cats:  From left to right, Spice, Two-Socks and Betsy
Dear oh dear, I'm being told off by this little tyke for being - in his eyes - an errant wife.  I did try to explain but I don't think he accepted  my reason.  And now, each time I nag the spouse he threatens to report me to Haiqal.

But never mind, when we're back in Leicester, Haiqal won't be able to protect him.

After Hari Raya, it was back to the routine of a thrice weekly trip to Tung Shin Hospital for the spouse's Orthopaedic Therapy and with fingers crossed and heart in mouth, he may just make it for the journey back to Leicester in two weeks' time.

I started this post intending to write another bicycle story.  But Haiqal's admonition of AsH had to be recorded to warn other wives to beware of getting on the wrong side of  little people like this MCP , meaning Macho Chili Padi.

Off to bed now,  and hoping I don't have nightmares of being hounded by a fiery two-legged chili padi.

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