Thursday 10 February 2011

Friends and Food and Flowers

It's time to get back to what really matters.

The little garden at the back needs some TLC.

As there's no warong nearby these will have to do for quick meals.  In fact since we got back this has been our main fare......

......although  I cannot do without these .

Then there's our dear friend Yasir who has been our house-sitter everytime we've been away.  Now that we're back we have to start feeding him his favourite pachri nenas, mixed lentils, fried chicken and lemon layer pudding.

But good news!  He married his lovely Rafiah in October last year and she can now take over.  We look forward to meeting her and Yasir says she's good at cooking Briani.  Wowee!!

Daffodils and snowdrops from Jack brighten up the winter days.

And here's a happy Jack after last week's dinner.  On certain days,  Jack's secret identity can be revealed.  Note the pipes above his head.  Pssst - he's actually an illegal immigrant from another planet.

I should say that all the above make our life complete.

 P.S.  Do spare a thought for   Setu Bolongking's dilemma.  We found this little bar of  soap  in a hotel in Kota Belud when the spouse was doing his field work in Sabah in the 1980s.

I hope by now, he has made his choice.



  1. awww, what a sweet posting, this..! passtt, that yaser is such a looker, eh..

  2. Oh isn't it great to be home. There is truly no place like it.

  3. Thank you Puteri,

    Will you be behave youself?

    But what we both have are quite irreplaceable.

  4. Thank you Aishah,

    Too true, too true.

    Even though I have a metre high of ironing to be done.

  5. Please tell Mister Lemon-Layer-Pudding that Rafiah is indeed lovely and Jack is looking like an alien with the pipe above his head.
