Tuesday 12 January 2010

Associate Professor Wu Zhi Tao - The Man with the Magic Touch

Today I want to be a harbinger of joyful news. This is about a wonderful man whose magic touch is healing as well as inspiring.

Prof. Wu was the Acupuncture Specialist at Tung Shin (Traditional Chinese Medicine) Hospital, Kuala Lumpur. I think we spent more time with him than with any other individual during our 5-month stay in Kuala Lumpur. Twice a week, every week - on Mondays and Thursdays - Prof. Wu would work his 'magic' on repairing and rehabilitating these ageing frames of ours.

On average, he would deftly insert 5-7 needles on top of my head, 1 on each side of the temple, one on the forehead just above the nose (which felt more than just a pinprick), about 5 or more on the stomach, 2-4 on each arm and 5 on each leg depending on whether the rickety knees have been misbehaving. I became a hedgehog, albeit a happy one during these sessions. This Sifu, this Master of his art knew what he was doing and knew it well. We had absolute confidence in him. He cured my sinus, improved my circulation, treated my colds and coughs and infection without me having to resort to drugs or antibiotics. He did a wonderful maintenance job on this pensioner. At the end of each session with Prof. Wu, we always felt relieved, relaxed and walked with an easier spring in our steps.

But there's more to Prof. Wu than meets the eye.

I had mentioned to him about my high cholestorol level. He listened attentively, as usual, and with a twinkle in his eyes he said, ".....must not makan nasi lemak." I gasped and said, "You can speak Malay?" He told us he had been learning Bahasa and from then on, we often had words like "tunggu sekejap", "sakit?" and so on, 'injected' in between the needle-punctures.
Why am I so astonished? Prof Wu was an expatriate Specialist from Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and had been in KL for just five years. I was touched that he took the trouble to learn and use what he described as 'Bahasa'. That speaks volumes for this National from the Republic of China.

But that was not all. Our niece Maria and her son Ariff suffer terribly from sinusitis. Ariff, bless his cotton socks, was brave enough to give acupuncture a go despite his fear of needles. He had about 12 needles on various parts of him but the worst were the ones on the face. Prof. Wu could see the pained grimaces and the near-tears and soothed this brave but frightened little boy with "....aaah, macam Hang Tuah". Ariff survived and was able to boast about the scars made by the needles. (They were just little pinpricks which disappeared after a couple of hours, but you know what men are like - big babies!)
And Prof. Wu managed to leave me speechless, again.

There was to be another revelation which made me place this extraordinary man high up on my list of Honourable People. We love walking and on one of our walking trips we bumped into Prof Wu. He was observing a couple of frogs at the water's edge of this large pond. Upon our enquiry he confessed that a week before he had bought up 14kgs of frogs at Selayang Market and released them into this pond!! He was just checking to see if they're still fine! We did ask him later if he was a vegetarian or a Buddhist. He shook his head to indicate 'no'. He was just a very good man, and we had to tell him so despite his embarrassment.

Many many years ago, in the 1970s, there was this Prime Minister of the island Republic of Singapore, a Mr Lee Kuan Yew, who extolled the importance of the 300 top-of-the-heap Singaporeans, the Mandarins so to speak, on whom the island's success and survival depended on. And we all nodded respectfully.
Soon after that he went on to say that the Chinese (75% of Singaporeans are Chinese) should be proud of their 3,000 years of culture. Well, that left us - the 13% Malays, 9% Indians and 2.4% of Eurasians and 'Others' - a wee bit intimidated.
After all, it's not the total GDP, the per capita income, the size and prowess of the Armed Forces, the academic quality of the population and the high exchange rate of the national currency that justify "3000 years of culture".

No. True culture is to be found in this broad-minded man, with a huge heart and soul, a Sifu, a Master who extended his healing and caring to humans as well as other living things.
Prof. Wu returned to China in early December 2009. We will miss him but we will never forget this giant of a man.

Kalau lah hidup tidak berbudi,
Umpama pokok tidak berbuah.


A life that's lived without kindness,
Is like a tree that bears no fruit.


  1. waah. nice traditional medical experience. i think inside me got lots of problem. i mean maybe to many toxic, eat unbalance meal etc laa. i just think if i can try that type of medical treatment. perhaps , who knows i still become more taller hehe

  2. i love the part about him and the frogs - bless his cotton socks!

  3. Kama,
    Thank you. At our age it's very difficult to discover someone younger than us that we can look up to. We're so happy we found him.

    You are right about needing detoxification. You should try. It's not expensive like other private hospitals and besides you get better service than some private hospitals we've been to. It costs less than visiting a doctor at a private clinic. But cost is not the point. It is accessible to all. I've seen other makciks and pakciks like us at Tung Shin.
    No. It can't make you taller - but you will feel cleaner and taller from the inside!!
    Give it a try and if you're as good as our cucu Ariff, we'll buy you ice-cream as a reward.

    I know you would say that - knowing how you think animals, birds etc are better than human beings

  4. wow. sounds good. i want to have a try.. emm how and where to meet the sifu u mention? perhaps maybe the address/email/phone number might hel abit

    tq hehe

  5. Helas,
    I'm afraid our good Prof has gone back for good and we feel lost too. But the others at TS are just as good. When we get back we have to try out the new man - but then it's not just the man but the skills that he brings. Probably he won't be as wonderful a person as Prof Wu - but as long as he can do the job well, that's good enough.
    Tell you what. After we've tried the replacement acupuncturist we'll let you know and then you can have a go. In the mean time - stop eating rubbish.

  6. Helas, i heard eating kacang panjang can make you tall. Why don't you try, but you cannot patah the kacang panjang, you must eat them whole.

  7. -ASH
    ok ok will wait for tht hehe

    Kacang panjang is my favorite hehehe.. but if eat them whole, just worried after digest , will also come out whole.. i think its hurt hehe.. not good for health hehe

  8. hi AsH!

    i've always wanted to try accupuncture for this recurring stiffneck i have due to a whiplash injury which my doc warned may worsen with age. but this being nuyork, i've been scared of falling prey to quacks.

    maybe now i will give it a shot. i hope i'll find someone half as good as your humane prof with the majic hands. wish me luck.

  9. My dear mekyam,
    Please do so. Especially with your sort of problem, you will end up depending on painkillers.
    I must stress - it's not painful, it's just like a pinprick. But get a qualified person to do it.
    Hopefully you will find someone as wonderful as our Prof. Wu. But where you are, I think you will have no problem. Remember it takes time for the 'magic' to work.
    Good Luck

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