Wednesday 24 December 2008

Three of the Best



Mary has the warmest and kindest heart. In her 4 room flat she gives shelter and succour to 40 (41?) moggies. They are picked up from the market, the bus stop, from the drain, at the car park, and some were dumped at her front door. Most of them were sick, mangy and emaciated but Mary, bless her, took them in.
She can only do this because her son and her daughter are paying the bills - all generous and noble souls.
So, Mary, have a happy Christmas and may 2009 bring you much joy and peace.

Aisha and 'Man , husband and wife, keep the estate clean and tidy. They both work very hard, toiling under the hot sun, travelling from Puchong to Setiawangsa every day to earn their living. They are the other face of the 'favoured and dominant' Malays. They are not lazy, contented layabouts waiting for handouts from the authorities. As Aisha has been feeling very poorly for the last month or so, 'Man has been doing two jobs, his and hers so that their income will not suffer.

A few months ago, they lost their 16 year old only daughter to cancer and they were given only a day's leave. Despite all this, these two courageous creations of Allah can find the room and the heart to feed the stray cats in the estate and also support several more which they rescued from the streets near their home.

I want to tell their story because we should all be ashamed of our grumblings about the rising costs of transport, of houses, of cars , of weddings, holidays and every other conceivable selfish moaning of our fate.

For Aisha and 'Man, may you have an easier and kinder 2009. We wish we could do more for you. But you have your dignity and you do not ask for any favours from anyone. You are the ultimate Malay Lady and Gentleman.


  1. Salaam to you Mak Ngah. It's such a thrill to come to know about this blog of yours! I'll keep visiting, of course and will haunt you if you fail to post anything for longer than I can tolerate. Do visit my little blog too.

  2. Ms Hamid, I've been a loyal follower of your blog - instantly - the moment I was directed here via a posting by Rocky. And noticed Kak Teh too has been leaving comments here often. Hi Kak Teh!! You know you know me... heheh.

    Ms Hamid, the picture of Malay kampung in your recent posting on Malay Gentlemen, is really precious. Please share more of those with us.

    As for kereta lereng, I used to read the old-Malay text books that belonged to my Mom, just wonder where they are now.

    I just can't wait for your next posting. BTW where do Kak Aisha and Bang 'Man work? Estate in Setiawangsa?

  3. Ms Hamid, the less people have, the more they give. Someone in Gombak, built an extension to her house with her bonus money, to house stray cats she collected along the way.

    Your story is indeed a good reminder. We just have to make do with what we have and not moan about it.

    Have a good 2009!

    Harmdone7, ooh do tell me!

  4. Dear Cikgu,

    A very touched story indeed.For a minute,I forget all the troubles that I'm facing currently.
    Thank you.
