Tuesday 9 September 2008

Tide and Time and Music

Fascination by Jane Morgan linked a daughter-in-law and a father-in-law in a strange and poignant way. In the 80s when Keith was still relatively strong and hearty, he talked about wishing he could listen to Jane Morgan singing Fascination once again.

I was stunned because I have been looking for this particular song too. I first heard it on the radio, when we were living at 691,Kampong Abu Kassim, Pasir Panjang Road.I must have been about 11 or 12. We had a fabulous ERRES radiogram then, powered by battery, a car battery mind you. But that's another story.

We (his son and I) hunted in every nook and cranny of many charity shops and second hand shops in England but no such luck. Keith passed away in 1997 and the fascination also went with him.

With the help of my brother Mus in KL, we trawled the internet, but again dismal failure. Then about 2 months ago, I plunged into the world of YouTube and voila!!!, there it was, posted by maynard cat on September 2007.
So Keith, where ever you are, here's our song and I hope it brings back that mischievous twinkle in your eyes.

1 comment:

  1. This song reminds me of me of Abah, coming home from work at about 1.30pm having lunch at the back dining room, the table fan spinning and keeping him cool, while the three of us (I don't quite remember Akim ) sat around enjoying the cool breeze.
    Abah would be sweating with his gulai cili api. The radio would be on - and songs like Facination, Walking My Baby Back Home , would be playing over the radio.
    And finally he would finish off the lunch with a good smoke of filterless Capstan cigarette.
